These siblings really do LOVE each other, and that is so awesome to see! In our short session, they cuddled and wrestled and tackled and hugged. They're pretty darn adorable!
Leave Grace and Harper some love!
People often ask why Larae Photography is this name of our business. This is Larae... Well, sort of. Her middle name is Larae. But SHE is why we are here. Meet Braska...officially, Nebraska Larae. She's silly. She sweet. She is really funny, and she is so smart, especially when it comes to words. She LOVES to read and watch educational shows. She can work her iPad or the touchpad on my laptop like a pro, navigating websites and finding her games on Starfall. She can find her shows on Netfix or Hulu via the Roku without any help... which is sometimes more trouble than it's worth!! She is always willing to be my test model, though she likes to be goofy with her smirks and poses. Braska is alot of great qualities wrapped up in a very tiny little person. And she has Down syndrome. And since very soon after she was born and we received her diagnosis, we began to plan for her long-term future. We can't know what the years will bring, but we have always planned to own a business that she can be involved with as a teen and adult, if she would like. As the photography requests became more frequent and we decided to get all the legalities of the new business set up, it seemed obvious to me--necessary, really--to include her from the ground up. Beginning with the name!
As we learned about Special Kids Photography of America and their program to certify photographers specifically related to their skill in dealing with children and adults with special needs, it just seemed like the next obvious step. So the process has begun. And as we work toward that certification, we really do love having the privilege of taking photos of families and children, regardless of the difference in abilities or physical or developmental diagnoses that may be represented. It is increasingly clear to us, as we continue on this journey as parents and as we work to build this business in the right way, that Braska's presence in our family has forever changed and improved our existence. We look forward to providing an opportunity for great photographs and captured memories for families who might not otherwise feel comfortable seeking professional photographs. We're walking the challenges that come with disability, acknowledging that it can mean stress when it comes to daily activities and special occasions. It's important that we share that experience with others who are on this journey with us. This girl is why we do what we do. She's why we are who we are. We're better because of this sassy, loving, stubborn, beautiful girl. She's the heart behind Larae Photography. These two sisters could not be more different from each other! Yet they are both awfully photogenic! Their super-ambitious mom came ready with her own props and set-up ideas and wardrobe cuteness. That's a good start! The result is pretty darn adorable! How can you go wrong with those beautiful dark eyes on sweet Miss Rilynn?? And that sparkle in Brynleigh's eyes is pure sassy mischief!
Leave these girls some love! If they get 10 comments, they get to choose a free 8x10 print! This little cuddly bug holds a special place in my heart because I learned of her pending arrival and got to know her mom even before Olivia arrived. And now this is our 3rd session for photos, so it's been a joy watching her grow!
Leave Miss Olivia (and Michael) some love! It was great to get to see these boys again! They have grown so much! Jamie and Ricky are definitely busy with these two handsome lads.
The lovely Madelyn stopped by the studio for a quick few snaps while she was in town for the weekend from college. She's been the subject of great photos around here for a couple of years now. And these images now rank up there with some of my favorites!
Which one is your favorite? Leave Maddie some love! I've been privileged to know these two for years, and somehow I can't believe they're not still 3 and 4 years old! They're not twins, but they are siblings... and more importantly, adorable!
Leave them some love! Even at only 6 days old, sweet Chase was far too interested in the things going on (though he's totally a cool kid about it all) to be convinced he needed to sleep and do the "curled up thing." He's a little charmer, and after making his parents wait an extra week to meet him, he's now providing lots of cuddles and cuteness.
December 2016
AuthorPhotographer. Mom. Wife. Sister. Daughter. Friend. Cherished child of the King. Blessed in all. |